+1  A: 

Unfortunately, I'd say that overriding install command is the way to go.

This can be done easily, using custom distribution command. For example, see [1] http://svn.zope.org/Zope/branches/2.9/setup.py?rev=69978&view=auto

thanks almad, good to see how zope does it
+1  A: 

Your first question is a tough one given the multiplatform requirement. If it was just windows, you could use the post-installation script option to run a script to handle the libraries or just use a non-python tool such as NSIS. I'm not sure what else can be done other than Almad's suggestion.

For your second question, you might want to look into Paver.

Thanks DoxaLogos. It may be the case that we have to just move to platform specific installers (NSIS, Packages on the mac, dkpg/apt for debian, etc.) It probably is not a horrible idea. But i was hoping for a pure python solution... may not be possible.
Well, even if you use multiple package tools, I think you can automate their package creation with the likes of Paver. So, once you get everything set up intially, you can just run build script with Paver.