This isn't how I had to implement file upload at all. I had an action method with no parameters that used the current Request object to dive into the collection of posted files.
Some sample code from my implementation:
public ContentResult Upload() {
if (Request.Files.Count > 0 && Request.Files[0].ContentLength > 0) {
HttpPostedFileBase postedFile = Request.Files[0];
// Do something with it
Of course, writing tests for this becomes a PITA. You have to mock several objects in order to get it to work, for example:
var mockHttpContext = mocks.StrictMock<HttpContextBase>();
var mockRequest = mocks.StrictMock<HttpRequestBase>();
var postedFile = mocks.StrictMock<HttpPostedFileBase>();
var postedFileKeyCollection = mocks.StrictMock<HttpFileCollectionBase>();
mockHttpContext.Expect(x => x.Request).Return(mockRequest).Repeat.Any();
mockRequest.Expect(x => x.Files).Return(postedFileKeyCollection).Repeat.Any();
postedFileKeyCollection.Expect(x => x[0]).Return(postedFile).Repeat.Any();
postedFileKeyCollection.Expect(x => x.Count).Return(1);
postedFile.Expect(f => f.ContentLength).Return(1024);
postedFile.Expect(f => f.InputStream).Return(null);
It would be easier to create an interface into the posted files and only mock that, with a concrete implementation injected into your controller using IoC.
I think this was largely based off of this post: Implementing HTTP File Upload with ASP.NET MVC including Tests and Mocks