



The following post relates to the System.Data.SQLite data provider by phxsoftware (

I have a question (and possibly a problem) with DbDataReader’s Read method and/or Visual Studio 2008. In many examples I see things like the following (and I know this code doesn't make a lot of sense ... but it serves a purpose):

DbDataReader reader = null;
Long ltemp = 0;
lock (m_ClassLock)
   DbCommand cmd = dbCnn.CreateCommand();
   cmd.CommandText = “SELECT col1 FROM table1”;
   reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

   if (null != reader)
      while (reader.Read())
         ltemp += (long)reader[0];

First question - What I dont understand from this example is am I missing data the first time through the while loop by calling reader.Read() upfront? For instance, if the reader has values (3,5,7,9) the returned reader from cmd.ExecuteReader() should be pointing at 3 initially, correct? reader.Read() would then move to 5, 7, and 9 on subsequent invocations within the while loop. But, because reader.Read() is invoked before the first "ltemp += ..." line am I skipping past the first result (3)?

Second question - (and I'm starting to think this might be a bug in VS) If I step through this set of code in the debugger when I stop at a breakpoint on the "if (null != ..." line I can clearly see mu mousing over and drilling down in the popup that reader has multiple row data values assigned to it. However, if I close that popup information, and then try to bring it back up, when I drill down I now see the line "Enumeration yielded no results" where there was clearly data before.

Can anyone explain this behavior?

+1  A: 
  1. Think about it like this after you run ExecuteReader the set is on row -1. You need to execute Read to get to row 0.

  2. IDataReader is a forward only structure, you can only iterate through it once, the debugger is iterating through it.

General questions:

  • Why the lock?
  • Why the null check for reader - I am not aware of any issues where ExecuteReader return null after a select.
  • Why not "SELECT SUM(col1) from table1
  • Why are you not following the dispose pattern?
Sam Saffron
Ok that clears up my question 1. The documentation seemed to imply that after the call cmd.ExecuteReader() reader would be primed to 0. I feel better about that now. As for question 2 the debugger is iterating through the list? That sure sounds like a bug in the debugger to me (altering the behavior of the code by inspection of variables). Ouch!Questionslock - poor cut and paste examplenull check - i agreesum - this was just sample code, the "ltemp +=" I stripped out the real work and put in something simple to talk to.dispose - again just sample codethanks for the insight!
re code executing in debugger, its a necessary evil if you want your watch window to work. See: for gritty details
Sam Saffron