



I have the following HTML:

<a><img src="myfile.png" /> Some text</a>

And this css:

    -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=75)";
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=75);
    opacity: .75;

The problem with this occurs in both IE 8 and IE 7.

When the PNG image is subject to the -ms-filter or filter, its alpha transparency is ruined. Try it out and you will see. It is a bug in both IE 8 and IE 7.

Can I remove the "-ms-opacity" and "filter" properties applied in CSS? What is the syntax for this? (e.g. something like -ms-filter: "";)

Does anyone know a work around to this issue?

+3  A: 

UPDATE: AlphaImageLoader filter applied directly to the img may override the Alpha filter. As for removing a filter have you tried filter:none; ?

Yes, programmically target IE6 and below with conditional comments.

<!--[if lt IE 7]>
<style>a:hover{filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=75);}</style>

Also scripts like IE7-js will handle PNG transparency for you without cluttering up your CSS with non-standard code.

<!--[if lt IE 7]>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
Sorry I am not interested in IE 6 - I am trying to get this working in IE7 and IE8 when using the '-ms-filter' or 'filter' css properties.
The solution works for ie7 too. just change the condition to lt IE8 and the script to ie8.js
But the problem is occurring in IE 8 even: when you apply either the 'filter' or '-ms-filter' properties in CSS, any PNG alpha transparency no longer works.
ah.. ok, I misunderstood the question. Maybe try applying an AlphaImageLoader filter directly to the image and see if it overrides the Alpha filter on the A.
Ah cool thanks that works
well, I also need to remove the filter in style override (think .loading or .active css classes), filter:none does not work :(
+6  A: 

Just embellishing SpliFF's answer, I could fix this problem by adding the following jQuery to my page:

$(function() {
    if (jQuery.browser.msie)
        $('img[src$=.png]').each(function() {
   = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src="+this.src+",sizingMethod='scale')";

This will apply the AlphaImageLoader too all PNGs in the page.

This little script (and a few span tags around the images I'd like to fade) is a wonder and a treasure for those who have to wrestle with the MSIE abomination.