



Is there an existing framework that satisfies the needs of your projects with minor modifications, or have you developed your own along the way? What do you recommend for someone trying to make that decision with these priorities:

  1. CSS reset
  2. Attention to typography; baseline grid
  3. Semantic classes
  4. Accessibility
  5. Lots of "Helper" classes: e.g. .demphasized, .errormsg, .readmore etc.
  6. Grid system, unless it conflicts with #3

Not a priority: - Fluid/Elastic layout support - Type in ems/%s

Thanks in advance.

+1  A: 

No framework out there is going to do everything you want.

But Blueprint should have enough to get you started.

Sam Saffron
Awesome framework. Can definitely recommend it!

I have managed to get pretty far with these:

960 Grid for layouts


The jQuery UI CSS Framework



Elastic css framework can do it almost all you want, except baseline (yet) but you can integrate it including your baseline.css, got to

No cryptic classnames, support for combinig classes, centering x and y, same height, seo friendly (support for templates and adaptive layouts)

lots of helper classes, and definetely non intrusive with your classes, or absolute positioning. all for free and for all browsers :) hope you like it.

and yes it supports fixed, fluid, elastic layouts, and you just can combine them to get advanced stuff, you also get unlimited nesting, so elastic wont let you down after first level