Hello everybody,
I have a problem with Linq and ObservableCollections in my WPF application.
Context of the problem:
I've created a very simple SQL database with two tables: User and BankAccounts. The User Table has an one-to-many relationship with the BankAccounts Table. Next I've created Linq-to-SQL dataclasses, which worked fine ==> the assosiation between the two tables was detected as well.
Next I've created a function to retreive all Users which works fine:
DataClassesDataContext dc = new DataClassesDataContext
var query = from u in dc.Users
select u;
Now suppose I want to add a new BankAccount to each user (not very likely but still). I could add the following code
for each(User u in query)
u.BankAccounts.Add(New BankAccount());
The above works all fine. The BankAccounts property is automaticly part of the User class, due to the assosiation in the database and Linq DataClasses.
However, in my application I first add the query results to an ObservableCollection. Hereby I could use all sorts off databinding and changenotification. This is accomplished by the following code;
ObservableCollection<User> oUsers = new ObservableCollection<User>(query);
Problem: Within the ObservableCollection I can't do anyting with the users BankAccounts property because it is now of type EntitySet<>. So I can't do the following statement anymore.
for each(User u in oUsers)
u.BankAccounts.Add(New BankAccount());
Somehow, when queryresults are added to an observablecollection It is not possible to acces the user.BankAccounts properties anymore. However, it is possible to bind the BankAccounts Property to any control, like a listbox, and it contains the correct data.
Does someone now how I can create an observableCollction (or similar collection) from wich I can access these "assosiated" properties? I'm realy looking forward for to a solution.
Thanks in advance! Best regards,
Bas Zweeris E: [email protected]