In I'm using the TcpClient to retrieve a string of data. I'm constantly checking the .Connected property to verify if the client is connected but even if the client disconnects this still returns true. What can I use as a workaround for this?
This is a stripped down version of my current code:
Dim client as TcpClient = Nothing
client = listener.AcceptTcpClient
do while client.connected = true
dim stream as networkStream = client.GetStream()
dim bytes(1024) as byte
dim numCharRead as integer = stream.Read(bytes,0,bytes.length)
dim strRead as string = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes,0,i)
I would have figured at least the GetStream() call would throw an exception if the client was disconnected but I've closed the other app and it still doesn't...
EDIT Polling the Client.Available was suggested but that doesn't solve the issue. If the client is not 'acutally' connected available just returns 0.
The key is that I'm trying to allow the connection to stay open and allow me to receive data multiple times over the same socket connection.