





I would like to do start freelance Software Development but I don't know where to start... The main problem I have is that I live in Melbourne, Australia while most freelance programming websites are in the US.

Have you had experience freelancing? How did you get started? Are there any legal procedures you need to perform before you get started (for example for tax purposes)? Do you need to have your own business name? Does it really matter if you live in the same city/country as your client?


  • Does it really matter if you live in the same city/country as your client?

It helps with billing, but if you're able to bill to another country then you should be fine. But building a good client list locally is recommended.

  • Do you need to have your own business name?

What procedures you need to do depend on the country you live in. For example in Iceland you need a Tax number you can use to pay taxes with. It doesn't cost much and is recommended for solo workers. Also (and this is very dependent on your country) here if you're two or more, it's recommended to create an EHF company (similar to LLC)

Ólafur Waage
+3  A: 

Get yourself a job as a contractor, and get yourself a conversation with an accountant on what you need to start.

This will be different in different countries.

Mischa Kroon

Not sure if this is what you are looking fore but you oculd start with some online freelancing web-sites like RentACoder or GetAFreeLancer.

I personally, had some pretty good experiences with RentACoder.

+10  A: 

Living in Australia RentACoder, GetAFreeLancer etc.. may not prove to be economically viable due to the exchange rate (and the subsequent cut the website / PayPal will take) + you still have to declare your earnings and pay tax.

That’s not to say you shouldn’t keep an eye on them sometimes you will see jobs which may suit, but it will generally only be pocket money for nasty work. I recommend that you start by looking for contracting work. As for the finances, if you are not savvy with dealing with contracts, insurance, tax and your tax allowance (from being self employed) then use an “Umbrella Company”. There are firms out there who will set up a company for you tailored for what you wish to do (in this case contracting and freelance work).

I am from the UK; I used a company called Giant Strongbox to do this. They take care of the contract, insurence and the payroll by working out the tax owed and allowances due to expenses. You will remain technically self employed, but you will not have unlimited liability. Using the umbrella company is just a way of outsourcing all the business and pay role fuss. It cost my approx £14 per week (so worth it). They also offered me great advise, notifications of payments, a nice clean web portal to add expenses etc. Finding something similar will allow you to focus on the work and not the business fuss. You can stop the payments to the umbrella company as soon as you contract ends, and restart the payments whenever new work comes in.

For the £14 I paid per week I gained full insurance for whatever work I did... which was especially important considering my first contract was with a large bank.

It is important to get your name out there, have a good web presence (blog / show your up to date and competent, create a professional website with profile etc.) as it will be all about selling yourself. Meet people and network at conferences and generally get your business / yourself out there in whatever way you can imagine.

Hope that’s enough to get you started.

(Note: I’ve been working as a contractor / consultant for the past year, I’m 22 years old, just graduated yet by following the advice above I have had 4 contracts in the last year and a bit and things are going smoothly)

quote "but it will generally only be pocket money for nasty work"From looking at what os on offer on those sites I come to that exact realisation. Half a day work for $50 before tax doesn't quite seem tempting to me :)

I cannot advice you with legal procedures in Australia but from my experience if you want to start working as a freelancer you should spread that information to your friends, family, neighbours, etc. The viral marketing is very important because people usually want to hire someone trusted. You should also create protfolio of projects you've done in the past. This is requierment from most of clients.

Lukasz Dziedzia