How to find next business day with powershell ?
Well, my phone allows me to set which days are business days, but Windows/.NET won't, so I assume Monday through Friday.
Note: As the question includes "golf" I am golfing this one, that is trying to use as few bytes for the script as possible. The code is not necessarily readable as a result.
The easiest and most straightforward way to do is would be to start with today, add a day and look whether it is in the wanted range:
PS> $d = [DateTime]::Now.AddDays(1); while ($d.DayOfWeek -eq "Saturday" -or $d.DayOfWeek -eq "Sunday") { $d = $d.AddDays(1) }; $d
Montag, 22. Juni 2009 19:50:27
We can shorten that a little, though:
PS> $d=(Get-Date)+"1";for(;6,0-contains$d.DayOfWeek){$d+="1"}$d
Montag, 22. Juni 2009 19:52:31
But we can also try it differently, using the pipeline. The next business day is at least one and at most three days away, so we can generate a list of possible dates and filter them accordingly and at last, select the first one:
PS> @(1..3|%{(Get-Date).AddDays($_)}|?{$_.DayOfWeek -ge "Monday" -and $_.DayOfWeek -le "Friday"})[0]
Montag, 22. Juni 2009 22:11:19
or shorter:
PS> @(1..3|%{(Get-Date)+"$_"}|?{1..5-contains$_.DayOfWeek})[0]
Montag, 22. Juni 2009 19:55:53
By letting the range go to 4 we can guarantee that it always returns at least two workdays and save the @ operator to force an array:
PS> (1..4|%{(Get-Date)+"$_"}|?{1..5-contains$_.DayOfWeek})[0]
Montag, 22. Juni 2009 20:24:06
Here is another pipline way:
(@(1..4) | foreach { if (([datetime]::Now.AddDays($_)).DayOfWeek -ne "Sunday" -and ([datetime]::Now.AddDays($_)).DayOfWeek -ne "Saturday") {[datetime]::Now.AddDays($_); }})[0]
Not sure why I have to use (1..4) instead of (1..3) however.
This is pretty short too (but uses aliases):
In one single statement:
A few notes about this approach:
In Powershell (v1 at least), comparisons with collections return items where the condition is true, for example:
PS> 1,2 -eq 1
PS> 1
I'm taking advantage of the fact that the actual exceptions to the rule
today + 1
to calculate the next business day are only Friday (+3 days) and Saturday (+2 days).