




I have recognized the fact that i do not have a clear understanding of how forms and business logic layers should be distinctly separated. Especially in business apps this is hard to accomplish at some times as to keep the UI clean from business logic and to be able to minimize repetition among different forms that share some common business logic that should have being encapsulated in a business object.

What i want to ask from the community, is whether there are some good books out there that describe how business apps are designed, and if there are patterns that help someone design in such a way that repetition is minimized/eliminated and the business logic is nicely encapsulated in business objects, also how the UI manages to cooperate with the business object etc.

Thanks for any feedback.

PS. Technologies used from my part involve Visual Studio, .NET, C#, MSSQL/ORACLE if that helps you in suggesting a book.

+5  A: 

These books are not related to any kind of language / IDE / .... These books are about concepts, illustrated with UML diagrams and code examples (in Java and C++ or C# if I remember well).

Frederik Gheysels
+1 I reference or use something from these two books every day.
Kevin Swiber


Here's an ultimate resource for application architecture. Imaar has written few books on ASP.NET and he's published 2 series of articles on how you should architect your apps. One series is for ASP.NET 2.0 and another series is for ASP.NET 3.5

It's mainly focused on but you can use the concepts for any .net client technology.

Link Txt 1:

Link Txt 1:

this. __curious_geek
+2  A: 

I would take a look at Microsoft .NET: Architecting Applications for the Enterprise. I wrote a review of the book on my blog:

"I truly recommend this book to both intermediate and senior .NET developers. It has a great coverage of many current thoughts and aspects of system architecture. Many of the patterns in the book are from Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture by Martin Fowler, and the book sets them into perspective in an enterprise .NET application."

If you also want to look into Domain Driven Design, you can check out Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns: With Examples in C# and .NET.

Hmm, that (ARchitecting Applications f/t enterprise) seems to be an interesting one indeed. I think I'll add it on my wishlist. :)(I own the other one (Applying DDD) already :) ).
Frederik Gheysels