




Given the economic downturn, I'm sure many of us are job seekers. In your search, which programming jobs appear to be most in demand despite economic uncertainty? Why do you think that is the case?

+5  A: 

Automation, many companies want to streamline things to save money.


No particular type of job, good developers are still in high demand though.

Spencer Ruport
+1  A: 

I'm seeing a lot of Java and a lot of .Net.

What I want to be seeing is people looking for client-side JavaScript.


It looks like a lot of people are looking for web developers, specifically they are looking for people who can do basic HTML/CSS and maybe some Javascript. Why? Because now that people are losing their jobs and are beginning to lose some hope in the job market, they all turn to alternative means of generating income. One such way that is becoming more and more popular (albeit not any easier) is blogging or starting one's own personal site. The only problem with this for most people is that they have no idea how to program. As such, they hire programmers like us to do the job for them.

+3  A: 

Anything to do with the medical field. We (no I'm not letting out my company name) have hired 3 new dev's in the last 2 months and are in the process of hiring one more. EMR development is HUGE right now for almost anything to do with patient records.

Jim Evans

Programmers with a domain expertise are always in demand than the regular programmers.This holds good for any domain in any economy.
