



Hello Fellow Developers:

I have an issue that I am sure someone out here have solved easier than what I am thinking to do. I have a list that have name and number. Name is required and could be duplicate and number could only be one, but not required.

|A   |2     |
|A   |      |
|B   |      |
|C   |      |
|C   |      |
|D   |4     |

At this moment I am performing a list.Distinct() on the name part, but it does not care about the number section.

newlist = oldlist.Distinct().ToList();

If one name that is duplicate has a number I want to keep the one with the number, which is not happening. The case of two same names and two different numbers will not happen. Any ideas?

One more thing: At this moment I don't care about sorting since distinct take care of that.

I am adding all the code for better visibility of the StackOverflow Team:

    class _ClientComparer : IEqualityComparer<_Client>
    #region IEqualityComparer<_Client> Members

    public bool Equals(_Client x, _Client y)
        if ((x.ClientNumber != 0) && (y.ClientNumber != 0))//Both clients with numbers
            if (x.ClientNumber == y.ClientNumber)//both clients number the same then same clients.
                return true;
            else //if not the same they are different
                return false;
        else if (x.ClientName == y.ClientName)
            return true;
            return false;

    public int GetHashCode(_Client obj)
        if (obj.ClientNumber != 0)
            return obj.ClientNumber.GetHashCode();
            return obj.ClientName.GetHashCode();

Above the IEqualityComparer implementation and below the Distinct Call.

        public List<_Client> CollectAllClients()
        List<_Client> ClientList = new List<_Client>();
        while (this.Read())
            if (GetClientNumber() != 0)
        ClientList = ClientList.Distinct<_Client>(new _ClientComparer()).ToList<_Client>() ;
        return ClientList;

try implementing an IEqualityComparer for your type, and passing it as a parameter to Distinct (I'm assuming that your list hold a Tuple of string and a Nullable int (Tuple is not a .NET class - till .Net 4.0)

        private class c : IEqualityComparer<Tuple<string,int?>>

            #region IEqualityComparer<Tuple<string,int?>> Members

            public bool Equals(Tuple<string, int?> x, Tuple<string, int?> y)
                if (x.a.Equals(x.a) && x.b.Equals(y.b))
                    return true;
                return false;

            public int GetHashCode(Tuple<string, int?> obj)
                throw new NotImplementedException();


and then

List<Tuple<string,int?>> list;
list.Distinct(new c());
I think that will keep both "A" and "A2", which is not what OP wanted.
x.a.Equals(x.a) I sure hope that's always either true or throws a nullreferenceexception :)
Rune FS
It wasn't really a production ready code - just a direction to think about :)

If the list is composed of objects that look like this:

class Record : IEquatable<Record>
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int Number { get; set; }

    public bool Equals(Record r)
        if (r == null) return false;
        return this.Name.Equals(r.Name) && this.Number.Equals(r.Number);

where Number 0 indicated no number. You achieve the result by first sorting, then doing distinct. Distinct will keep a hashtable of each encountered element and check for existance on subsequent elements. So:

var newList = oldList.OrderByDescending(x => x.Number).Distinct();
+1  A: 

You can use grouping:

        List<MyObject> tests = new List<MyObject>() 
            new MyObject {Name = "A", Number = 2 },
            new MyObject {Name = "A", Number = null },
            new MyObject {Name = "B", Number = null},
            new MyObject {Name = "C", Number = null},
            new MyObject {Name = "C", Number = null},
            new MyObject {Name = "D", Number = 4}

        var qry = from t in tests
                  group t by t.Name into g
                  select g.Max();


With MyObject being:

public class MyObject : IComparable<MyObject>
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int? Number { get; set; }

    public int CompareTo(MyObject other)
        return Comparer<int?>.Default.Compare(this.Number, other.Number);

If you have a repeated element with different numbers (like {A, 1}, {A, 2}) , the Max is chosen.

bruno conde