



I need to find/create a library that can load hdr images in many formats for use in opengl.

I have been using SDL_image, but it doesn't support hdr.

I don't want to use many different image libraries, so if there is one that supports a large amount (bmp, png, jpg, tiff, tga, hdr are the most important).

If there is none, I don't mind writing my own, but I need a good specification. There doesn't seem to be all that much information that I can find via google though, so I need your help.

+1  A: 

How about ImageMagick? You can install HDRI support, apparently. Looks like it can be used with openGL, though I'm not sure if that suits your needs.

Todd Gardner
Excellent, easy to use library. I changed all my code in a matter of minutes, and am now adding hdr support :).