



i tried to create a fade-in/out effect for one of my divs but the fade-in effect on its own was working fine but when coupled with the fade-out effect, it makes the whole div continue to flash in the viewport area. take a look at the code:

 hover.addEventListener('mouseover',function () {$('#cpanel').fadeIn("slow");/*Core.addClass(cpanel,"on");*/},false);
 hover.addEventListener('mouseout', function () {$('#cpanel').fadeOut("slow");/*Core.removeClass(cpanel,"on");*/},false);

the cursor seems to be loosing focus of the object since it fades-in and fades-out repeatedly. can someone please help?

edit: the commented out part is the method i used before i implemented the jquery. also Core is another library i am using. cpanel is the div i want to fade-in/out.

as requested, the cpanel HTML:

<div id="cpanel">
      <div class="box"  name="prevImg"><a href="#" id="prevImg"><img class='text' src="nav-prev.gif"/></a></div>
      <div class="box"  name="zoom"><a href="#" id="Zoom"><img class='text' src="nav-zoom.gif"/></a></div>
      <div class="box"  name="back"><a href="#" id="Back"><img class='text' src="nav-home.gif"/></a></div>
      <div class="box"  name="nextImg"><a href="#" id="nextImg"><img class='text' src="nav-next.gif"/></a></div> 

the hover div is generated through DOM. it is a hidden div which i have used just to make sure the hover happens in the middle of the display container.

+1  A: 

You should be using the hover method.

$('your item').hover(function(){$("#cpanel").fadeIn("slow")},function(){$("#cpanel").fadeOut("slow");});

The hover method takes two functions - one is activated on mouse in, the other on mouse out.

See the jQuery docs for more information.

i am not able to get it to work. when i use the above statement, when i mouseovr the reqd area, nothing happens.
$(this).fadeIn("#cpanel") is incorrect. fadeIn takes a speed setting and a callback not a selector
also the above will never work as youll never be able to hove something that has been faded out.I think he meant....$('your item').hover(function(){$("#cpanel").fadeIn("slow")},function(){$("#cpanel").fadeOut("slow");});
Apologies, corrected my mistake now