I'm working on installing vPopMail on CentOS for use with a Qmail / Courier-IMAP mail-server setup. So far, everything is working out well enough. Mail sent to any virtual user I have setup under any virtual domain (assuming MX records are pointed correctly in the domain DNS) I add to vPopMail is routed correctly to the vPopMail ./Maildir/ and is viewable in /home/vpopmail/domains/domain-example.com/user.name/Maildir/new.
The problem I'm having now is telling the pop service to authenticate using vPopMail instead of the ~default~ Qmail / Courier-IMAP authentication method(s).
"You also need to modify your pop server startup line to use the vchkpw program for authentication." (found at http://www.inter7.com/vpopmail/vpopmail.html) is all I can find in any documentation to even give me the clue that that needs to be done.
So, the question:
How do I tell my pop server to authenticate with vPopMail?
Thanks so much in advance! :)
(Feel free to let me know what (if) more info is needed to answer my question..)