So I've got a situation where I need to pass a bunch of data to the server to create a bunch of records. So I read this article and chose the XML method. So I've got the stored procedure all created in sql server 2005. But now I need to call it from code. Only all I've got for a database connection is an odbcconnection. I see the sqlclient seems to have a native sqldbtype.xml. What do I do if I'm using odbc? Am i SOL?
3I think you should use SQLConnection & related classes.
Having said that, you can use Server Explorer, make a connection to SQL Server using ODBC, expand the tree with stored procedures and see your stored procedure with XML parameter.
It should show the ODBC data type for it when you do right click, properties on the XML parameter.
This is purely based on my memory. I think, this should work.
EDIT: See if this link helps. See for DataTypeCompatibility word on this link.
Turns out I can use the implicit varchar/ntext to XML conversion. I tried both Varchar and NText - they both worked. The conversion the other way doesn't support implicit conversion, you have to do explicit conversion according to the docs. Anyway, here is an example function and the stored procedure it is calling.
ADO.Net Code
Private Sub cmdXMLTest_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdXMLTest.Click
Dim objConnection As System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection
Dim cmdTest As System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand
Dim drTest As System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader
Dim intCount As System.Int32
Dim strMatter As System.String = ""
Dim strXML As System.String = "<Root><Matter mmatter=""11415.09951"" /><Matter mmatter=""06625.06771"" /><Matter mmatter=""00931.09846"" /></Root>"
' build odbc command for getting parties
cmdTest = New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand
cmdTest.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmdTest.CommandTimeout = 60
cmdTest.CommandText = "{CALL uspXMLTest (?)}"
cmdTest.Parameters.Add("@list", System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType.NText).Value = strXML
objConnection = New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection("Driver={SQL Server};Server=mysqlserver;Database=son_db;Uid=sa;Pwd=mypassword;")
cmdTest.Connection = objConnection
drTest = cmdTest.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
Do While drTest.Read()
strMatter = drTest.GetString(0)
intCount = intCount + 1
MsgBox("Found " & intCount.ToString() & " Matters - Last One = " & strMatter)
End Sub
Stored Procedure
@list xml
SELECT matter.mmatter, matter.mdesc1
FROM matter
INNER JOIN @list.nodes('/Root/Matter') AS ml(mmatter) ON (matter.mmatter = ml.mmatter.value('@mmatter', 'varchar(15)'))
For those using XMLTextWriter to create the XML you need to use UTF-16 encoding (Unicode in .net). So here is the code for creating the XML.
' create xml file for folders
strmFolderList = New System.IO.MemoryStream()
wrtFolderList = New System.Xml.XmlTextWriter(strmFolderList, System.Text.Encoding.Unicode)
' start document and add root element
' cycle through folders
For intIndex = 0 To m_intAdditionalFolderQuantity - 1
' figure out folder description
strFolderDesc = m_arrFolderDesc(intIndex)
' add element to xml
wrtFolderList.WriteAttributeString("folderdesc", strFolderDesc)
wrtFolderList.WriteAttributeString("insertfolder", ((intIndex + 1) * -1).ToString())
' close root element and document
And here is the code to call the stored procedure
cmdAddRequest = New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand
cmdAddRequest.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmdAddRequest.CommandTimeout = 60
cmdAddRequest.CommandText = "{CALL uspAddRequest ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}"
' add parameters to odbc command
cmdAddRequest.Parameters.Add("@ruserid", OdbcType.VarChar, 8).Value = SafeODBCParamString(m_strUID)
cmdAddRequest.Parameters.Add("@rmatter", OdbcType.VarChar, 15).Value = SafeODBCParamString(m_strMatterNumber)
cmdAddRequest.Parameters.Add("@req_tkinit", OdbcType.VarChar, 8).Value = SafeODBCParamString(m_strRequesting)
cmdAddRequest.Parameters.Add("@ret_tkinit", OdbcType.VarChar, 8).Value = SafeODBCParamString(m_strReturnNumber)
cmdAddRequest.Parameters.Add("@requestor", OdbcType.VarChar, 20).Value = SafeODBCParamString(m_strRequestor)
cmdAddRequest.Parameters.Add("@labels_only", OdbcType.Bit).Value = m_blnLabelsOnly
cmdAddRequest.Parameters.Add("@folder_quantity", OdbcType.SmallInt).Value = m_intAdditionalFolderQuantity
cmdAddRequest.Parameters.Add("@folder_list", OdbcType.NText).Value = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(strmFolderList.ToArray())
cmdAddRequest.Parameters.Add("@insert_list", OdbcType.NText).Value = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(strmInsertList.ToArray())