I'm putting together a presentation aimed towards entrepreneurs on the present state of industrial AI development, titled "The business of AI"; however, what little resources I have found on Google seems awfully outdated.
So I turn to the nice folks on Stackoverflow: Of the present day used systems, which products do you consider good business cases of applied AI? I'm looking for concrete product examples (not just wide technologies), in either consumer, or business everyday usage, with high profitability, and/or impact factor.
Edit: I understand, that SO might not be the best place for such question; pointing me to relevant discussions / forums would be greatly appreciated.
Edit2: Please also name the most prominent example of the technology (such as GMail for spam filtering, etc)
Results so far:
The following is an overview of AI systems in current business use, ordered by the strength of correlation between improvements on the problem-solving capability of the system, and improvements on the bottom line:
-Adsense, and adwords:
Problem: given a list of classifieds, and a list of website placements, select the highest value (probability of click through X price of clickthrough) advertisement for given placement.
Used AI technologies: clustering, and similarity search
Currently providing approx 30% of all revenues of Google
Method of capitalization: directly on the feedback loop
-Google search:
Problem: given a list of keywords, select the most relevant websites
Used AI technologies: (back-link counting), field-specific spam filtering, (genetic-inspired) duplicate-filtering, ...?
Method of capitalization: full text search is centralizing the web -> attentionware.
-E-mail classification:
Problem: given a large amount of incoming mail, classify it on properties -such as "spammyness", "business mail", etc
Used AI technologies: machine learning, (usually) Bayesian classification
Method of capitalization: not directly; used as a competative advantage
-Consumption pattern recognition:
Problem: given a list of historical baskets, predict the outcome of a given deal/offer, best product placement, and minimize loss leadership
- Tesco's Clubcard system (by Dunnhumby, see answer below)
- amazon's recommendation system, ?
Used technologies: data mining? (decision trees? machine learning?)
Method of capitalization: reducing costs, and improving conversion rate
-"Expert systems":
Problem: for some domains of expertise, demand for expert decision making is much higher, than availability of a competent expert. Thus, these kind of systems act as a limited decision proxy, by being programmed to solve a subset of the problem domain. Usually very hard-wired, with little-to-none "intelligent" behaviour.
Implementation samples: Quicken (for personal finance), Mycin (historical, medical diagnostic tool)
Method of capitalization: historically as commercial software; SAAS nowdays
-Voice and speech recognition:
Problem: Given an audio input (sample: menu navigation, voice mail, phone order), determine either the speaker ("who"), and/or the plain text ("what") of the audio; subproblems involve removing background noise, tone/voice recognition, etc
Method of capitalization: Off-the-shelf-software; potentially will increase the relevancy of advertisement for video ads (via text recognition)
-hand writing, and optical character recognition
Problem: Given an image of either scanned textual pages, or hand-writing, determine the plain text (ref)
Implementations: Wikipedia OCR software list, and Handwriting recognition
Method of capitalization: direct software
-Sentiment analysis:
Problem: given a large bunch of plain text, determine the most prominent topic of the conversation, along with it's carried sentiment
-Fact extraction:
Problem: extract object-property-value trios from plain text
-Quote extraction:
Problem: extract topical quotes, along with it's source, from plain text
Implementation: Google labs inquotes
Method of capitalization: not directly; used as a competative advantage
-Machine translation:
Problem: given a plain text in one language, provide a translation in another language, with highest accuracy possible.
Method of capitalization: not directly; used as a competative advantage (also, ads can be translated for transparent localization)
Problem: given a list of previous user ratings on movies, maximize the accuracy of predicting future ratings of non-rated movies
Used: meta-algorithm: outsourced public/open research with a high price for breakthrough-performance
Method of capitalization: used as a competative advantage, also basis of new video recommendation
Providing basic NLP tools for research (named entity extraction, POS tagging, etc), free for academia, paid-for by commercial usage
Method of capitalization: direct software (although academic license is available)
-Image similarity:
Problem: given a single image, find images with matching similarity, OR content
Method of capitalization: Not directly (-ads)
-Further reading:
Most recent known survey from 2001:
Wikipedia provides a couple of good overviews, although not business-oriented: