



Is there a way to get GD's function imagefilledarc()'s result in using PHP ImageMagick? I've looked around but haven't found a satisfying solution so far. I want it to support transparency, and use it to draw pies.

+1  A: 

Your best bet would be to use ImageMagick::Draw. It has an arc command; instead of specifying the center, you specify the bounding rectangle. You just need to add a command before it to set the fill, and perhaps after it to close the fill.

Jeff Bowman
It doesn't work the same way. That command basically does an ellipse within the bounding box, cuts at a line between the given degrees and deletes one of the pieces.
+1  A: 

As far as I know ImagickDraw::arc is the only way to do it (unless you want to create a function that draws it pixel by pixel). But to get it working the same way as gd, you just have to make minor changes. For instance, this:

imagearc($image, $cx, $cy, $width, $height, $start, $end, $color);

Should be equivalent to this (I haven't tested it):

ImagickDraw::setStrokeColor($imageMagickColor);    //I don't remember how to allocate the color
ImagickDraw::arc($cx-$width/2, $cy-$height/2, $cx+$width/2, $cy+$height/2, $start, $end);
+2  A: 
That's not what I want. But thank you anyway.