



Right now, I'm currently serializing a class like this:

class Session
     String setting1;
     String setting2;
     ...etc... (other member variables)

     List<SessionAction> actionsPerformed;

Where SessionAction is an interface that just has one method. All implementations of the SessionAction interface have various properties describing what that specific SessionAction does.

Currently, I serialize this to a file which can be loaded again using the default .Net binary serializer. Now, I want to serialize this to a template. This template will just be the List of SessionActions serialized to a file, but upon loading it back into memory at another time, I want some properties of these SessionActions to require input from the user (which I plan to dynamically generate GUI controls on the fly depending on the property type). Right now, I'm stuck on determining the best way to do this.

Is there some way I could flag some properties so that upon using reflection, I could determine which properties need input from user? Or what are my other options? Feel free to leave comments if anything isn't clear.


If you know from start what properties will have that SessionAction, you must implement IDeserializationCallback and put to those props the attribute [NonSerialized]. When you implement the OnDeserialization method you get the new values from the user.

Timotei Dolean
+1  A: 

For info, I don't recommend using BinaryFormatter for anything that you are storing long-term; it is very brittle between versions. It is fine for short-lived messages where you know the same version will be used for serialization and deserialization.

I would recommend any of: XmlSerializer, DataContractSerializer (3.0), or for fast binary, protobuf-net; all of these are contract-based, so much more version tolerant.

Re the question; you could use things like Nullable<T> for value-types, and null for strings etc - and ask for input for those that are null? There are other routes involving things like the ShouldSerialize* pattern, but this might upset the serialization APIs.

Marc Gravell
So I guess with the nullable types, I'd have to override the serialize method for whatever serialization method I use? If I do this, how would I support two forms of serialization (one would have all the properties and the other would only have a couple)?
To be honest, I'd probably have different request DTOs for the different bunches of required parameters.
Marc Gravell