




I'm thinking about re reading code complete as I read it when I was in my first year in uni (9 years ago) and I didn't really get it.

I'm thinking about rereading it, but before I do, should I buy code complete 2 and just read that instead?

+10  A: 

You should buy it just out of appreciation all for Steve McConnell did for programming by writing that book.

Otherwise, they're very parallel. If you didn't "get" the first, the second edition won't help you. The examples updated to more modern languages does make things a little clearer, and some graphics are cleaned up. Terminology and practices are more up-to-date too, although he was pretty far ahead of the curve even then.

If you're starting to read it with fresh eyes, and have the budget for it, it's worth it. I gave my CCI away to someone else so I would have an excuse to get CC2. It's win-win. :)

See http://cc2e.com/Default.aspx?hid=337 for Steve's own comments on why he wrote CC2.

I think the reason I didn't get it when I first read it was simply; I was far too green to development. I think I was more concerned with getting something / anything to happen than worry about best practise.I think I'll buy it and see if I've learnt anything in nearly 10 years (I really hope so).
+2  A: 

You can still apply the principles from the first version to languages and technologies that are on or close to the bleeding edge.

The new version looks at a more modern set of languages and and concerns -- so the emphasis is more OO and C# than procedural and Pascal. The old advice is still as pertinent as ever; the revised edition just makes that clear by restating it for a more contemporary environment.

Steve Gilham
+1  A: 

I have read both. I felt that the new version had not been updated as much as I had hoped. They are good books, make you reflect on how you do things.

I would buy the new book. The cost of the book is cheap compared with the value of the time you spend to read it.

Shiraz Bhaiji
+1  A: 

I think that you should get version 2 - it has a lot more stuff on modern OO principles such as SOLID programming (although I don't think it is actually referred to as SOLID in the book).

+1  A: 

If you have CC1 you might want to consider electronic access to CC2 to get the updates and also gain access to it on your computer(s), providing you are content to read on-screen. As well as being accessible on the Safari Books Service it is also currently on the Safari subset that ACM Professional Members so you get access to a selection of IT books for the annual subscription charge.

In practice I have the paper copy and electronic access -- it allows me to lend the paper copy to people who might benefit from it and gives them the opportunity to evealuate it before buying their own copy and recommending it to others.
