



I am attempting to write a SortableBindingList that I can use for my application. I have found lots of discussion about how to implement basic sorting support so that the BindingList will sort when used in the context of a DataGridView or some other bound control including this post from StackOverflow:

This is all very helpful and I have implemented the code, tested, etc. and it's all working, but in my particular situation, I need to be able to support a simple call to Sort() and have that call use the default IComparable.CompareTo() to do the sorting, rather than making a call to ApplySortCore(PropertyDescriptor, ListSortDirection).

The reason is because I have quite a great deal of code that's depending on the Sort() call because this particular class originally inherited from List and was recently changed to be a BindingList.

So specifically, I have a class called VariableCode and a collection class called VariableCodeList. VariableCode implements IComparable and the logic in there is moderately complex based on several properties, etc...

public class VariableCode : ...  IComparable ...
    public int CompareTo(object p_Target)
        int output = 0;
        //some interesting stuff here
        return output;

public class VariableCodeList : SortableBindingList<VariableCode>
    public void Sort()
        //This is where I need help
        //  How do I sort this list using the IComparable
        //  logic from the class above?

I've made a few failed attempts at repurposing the ApplySortCore method in the Sort(), but what keeps thwarting me is that the ApplySortCore expects a PropertyDescriptor to do its sort and I can't figure out how to get that to use the IComparable.CompareTo() logic.

Can someone point me in the right direction?

Many thanks.

EDIT: This is the final code based on Marc's response for future reference.

  /// <summary>
  /// Sorts using the default IComparer of T
  /// </summary>
  public void Sort()
     sort(null, null);
  public void Sort(IComparer<T> p_Comparer)
     sort(p_Comparer, null);
  public void Sort(Comparison<T> p_Comparison)
     sort(null, p_Comparison);
  private void sort(IComparer<T> p_Comparer, Comparison<T> p_Comparison)

     m_SortProperty = null;
     m_SortDirection = ListSortDirection.Ascending;

     //Extract items and sort separately
     List<T> sortList = new List<T>();
     this.ForEach(item => sortList.Add(item));//Extension method for this call
     if (p_Comparison == null)

     //Disable notifications, rebuild, and re-enable notifications
     bool oldRaise = RaiseListChangedEvents;
     RaiseListChangedEvents = false;
        sortList.ForEach(item => this.Add(item));
        RaiseListChangedEvents = oldRaise;

+5  A: 

Emulating a property just to do the sort is probably overkill. The first thing to look at is Comparer<T>.Default. It might, however, turn out that the easiest thing to do is to:

  • extract the data into List<T> or similar
  • sort the extracted data
  • disable notifications
  • reload the data
  • re-enable notifications
  • send a "reset" message

btw, you should be disabling notifications during your existing sort, too.

public void Sort() {
    // TODO: clear your "sort" variables (prop/order)

    T[] arr = new T[Count];
    CopyTo(arr, 0);
    bool oldRaise = RaiseListChangedEvents;
    RaiseListChangedEvents = false; // <=== oops, added!
    try {
        foreach (T item in arr) {
    } finally {
        RaiseListChangedEvents = oldRaise;
Marc Gravell
Nice, Marc. Thank you. I kept thinking I was missing something and that there would be some built in support somewhere, rather than just executing the simple solution. Good point on notifications, as well. I wound up using a List<T> internally rather than an Array so that I could support flexible delegate based sorting, as well (like the List<T> class supports). Post is updated with the final code.
Paul Prewett