




I'm trying to learn xpath. I looked at the other contains() examples around here, but nothing that uses an AND operator. I can't get this to work:

//ul[@class='featureList' and contains(li, 'Model')]


<ul class="featureList">

<li><b>Type:</b> Clip Fan</li><li><b>Feature:</b> Air Moved: 65 ft.
    Amps: 1.1
    Clip: Grips any surface up to 1.63"
    Plug: 3 prong grounded plug on heavy duty model
    Usage: Garage, Workshop, Dorm, Work-out room, Deck, Office & more.</li><li><b>Speed Setting:</b> 2 speeds</li><li><b>Color:</b> Black</li><li><b>Power Consumption:</b> 62 W</li><li><b>Height:</b> 14.5"</li><li><b>Width:</b> Grill Diameter: 9.5"</li><li><b>Length:</b> 11.5"</li>

<li><b>Model #: </b>CR1-0081-06</li>
<li><b>Item #: </b>N82E16896817007</li>
<li><b>Return Policy: </b></li>
+5  A: 

You are only looking at the first li child in the query you have instead of looking for any li child element that may contain the text, 'Model '. What you need is a query like the following:

//ul[@class='featureList' and ./li[contains(.,'Model')]]

This query will give you the elements that have a class of featureList with one or more li children that contain the text, 'Model '.

Jeff Yates
+1 -- The "./" is a bit misleading - it suggests that anything other than the current node would be taken into account when you leave it out, but in fact it is redundant: "//ul[@class='featureList' and li[contains(.,'Model')]]" is the same thing.
Yup, I was just being specific. Quite possibly overly specific.
Jeff Yates
+4  A: 

I already gave my +1 to Jeff Yates' solution.

Here is a quick explanation why your approach does not work. This:

//ul[@class='featureList' and contains(li, 'Model')]

encounters a limitation of the contains() function (or any other string function in XPath, for that matter).

The first argument is supposed to be a string. If you feed it a node list (giving it "li" does that), a conversion to string must take place. But this conversion is done for the first node in the list only.

In your case the first node in the list is <li><b>Type:</b> Clip Fan</li> (converted to a string: "Type: Clip Fan") which means that this:

//ul[@class='featureList' and contains(li, 'Type')]

would actually select a node!
