



I am trying to use the InternalsVisibleTo assembly attribute to make my internal classes in a .NET class library visible to my unit test project. For some reason, I keep getting an error message that says:

'MyClassName' is inaccessible due to its protection level

Both assemblies are signed and I have the correct key listed in the attribute declaration. Any ideas?

+1  A: 

You need to use the /out: compiler switch when compiling the friend assembly (the assembly that does not contain the InternalsVisibleTo attribute).

The compiler needs to know the name of the assembly being compiled in order to determine if the resulting assembly should be considered a friend assembly.

+9  A: 

Are you absolutely sure you have the correct public key specified in the attribute? Note that you need to specify the full public key, not just the public key token. It looks something like:

[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("MyFriendAssembly, PublicKey=0024000004800000940000000602000000240000525341310004000001000100F73

i.e. 320 or so hex digits. Not sure why you need to specify the full public key - possibly with just the public key token that is used in other assembly references it would be easier for someone to spoof the friend assembly's identity.

To get the public key of the friend assembly "sn -Tp MyFriendAssembly"
Ian G
-1000 for the MSDN docs on this, which are still incomplete.
+2  A: 

It is worth noteing that if the "friend" (tests) assembly it is written in C++/CLI, rather than C#/VB.Net then you need to use the following:

#using "AssemblyUnderTest.dll" as_friend

instead of a project reference or the usual #using statement. For some reason, there is no way to do this in the project reference UI.


Colin Desmond
Wow didn't know that
Preet Sangha
+1  A: 

You can use AssemblyHelper tool that will generate InternalsVisibleTo syntax for you. Here's the link to the latest version.

+1  A: 

If your assemblies aren't signed, but you are still getting the same error, check your AssemblyInfo.cs file for either of the following lines:

[assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("")]
[assembly: AssemblyKeyName("")]

The properties tab will still show your assembly as unsigned if either (or both) of these lines are present, but the InternalsVisibleTo attribute treats an assembly with these lines as strongly signed. Simply delete (or comment out) these lines, and it should work fine for you.
