




I'm used to the Java model where you can have one public class per file. Python doesn't have this restriction, and I'm wondering what's the best practice for organising classes.

+3  A: 

I would say to put as many classes as can be logically grouped in that file without making it too big and complex.

Jason Baker
+16  A: 

Since there is no artificial limit, it really depends on what's comprehensible. If you have a bunch of fairly short, simple classes that are logically grouped together, toss in a bunch of 'em. If you have big, complex classes or classes that don't make sense as a group, go one file per class. Or pick something in between. Refactor as things change.

Chris Upchurch
+44  A: 

A Python file is called a "module" and it's one way to organize your software so that it makes "sense". Another is a directory, called a "package".

A module is a distinct thing that may have one or two dozen closely-related classes. The trick is that a module is something you'll import, and you need that import to be perfectly sensible to people who will read, maintain and extend your software.

The rule is this: a module is the unit of reuse.

You can't easily reuse a single class. You should be able to reuse a module without any difficulties. Everything in your library (and everything you download and add) is either a module or a package of modules.

For example, you're working on something that reads spreadsheets, does some calculations and loads the results into a database. What do you want your main program to look like?

from ssReader import Reader
from theCalcs import ACalc, AnotherCalc
from theDB import Loader

def main( sourceFileName ):
    rdr= Reader( sourceFileName )
    c1= ACalc( options )
    c2= AnotherCalc( options )
    ldr= Loader( parameters )
    for myObj in rdr.readAll():
        c1.thisOp( myObj )
        c2.thatOp( myObj )
        ldr.laod( myObj )

Think of the import as the way to organize your code in concepts or chunks. Exactly how many classes are in each import doesn't matter. What matters is the overall organization that you're portraying with your import statements.

Haha, I like the "sense" in quotations.
@cdleary: One person's sense is another person's madness. Usually, you can define sensible modules. In a big application, however, there are always multiple dimensions of analysis and one person will split hairs on another person's slicing and dicing of functionality.
It might be worth encouraging module names to be all lower-case as per the PEP8 style guide: "Modules should have short, all-lowercase names. Underscores can be used in the module name if it improves readability. Python packages should also have short, all-lowercase names, although the use of underscores is discouraged."
+4  A: 

It entirely depends on how big the project is, how long the classes are, if they will be used from other files and so on.

For example I quite often use a series of classes for data-abstraction - so I may have 4 or 5 classes that may only be 1 line long (class SomeData: pass).

It would be stupid to split each of these into separate files - but since they may be used from different files, putting all these in a separate data_model.py file would make sense, so I can do from mypackage.data_model import SomeData, SomeSubData

If you have a class with lots of code in it, maybe with some functions only it uses, it would be a good idea to split this class and the helper-functions into a separate file.

You should structure them so you do from mypackage.database.schema import MyModel, not from mypackage.email.errors import MyDatabaseModel - if where you are importing things from make sense, and the files aren't tens of thousands of lines long, you have organised it correctly.

The Python Modules documentation has some useful information on organising packages.
