




I created a report in VS using a shared data source which is connected to a sharepoint list. In the report I created a dataset with a SOAP call to the data source so I get the result from the sharepoint list in a table.

this is the soap call

<Method Namespace="" Name="GetListItems">
     <Parameter Name="listName">
     <Parameter Name="viewName">
     <Parameter Name="rowLimit">
<ElementPath IgnoreNamespaces="True">*</ElementPath>

THis works fine, I have a result which I can show in a report, but I want to have the ability to select a parameter to filter the result on. I have created a parameter and when I preview the Report I see the dropdownbox which I can use to make a selection from the Title field, when I do this it still shows the first record, obviously it doens't work yet (DUH!) because I need to create a query somewhere, But! I have no idea where, I tried to include

     <FieldRef Name="ows_Title" />
     <Value Type="Text">testValue</Value>

in the the soap request but it didn't worked... I've searched teh intarwebz but couldn't find any simliar problems... kinda stuck now...any thoughts on this?


Here's the query I used according to the blogpost Alex Angas linked.

   <Method Namespace="" Name="GetListItems">



<FieldRef Name="ows_Title"/> 

<Value Type="Text">someValue</Value> 



         <Parameter Name="listName">
     <Parameter Name="viewName">
     <Parameter Name="rowLimit">

<ElementPath IgnoreNamespaces="True">*</ElementPath>

I tried to put the new query statement in every possible way in the existing, but it doesn't work at all, I do not get an error though so the code is valid, but I still get an unfiltered list as return... pulling my hair out here!

+1  A: 

See the question and answers for GetListItems Webservice ignores my query filter. This shows you how (and how not to) set up your SOAP call to include a query. You probably need to wrap your query with another <Query></Query>.

Alex Angas
Yeah, found information like that too, to bad it's not a format that works in VS when you use a Shared Data Source which is a SharePoint list., it only accepts the format I described in my post and I tried the extra <Query></Query> in that, it doesn't work...

You have your FieldRef as


I believe it should just be Title.

When you get results from the SOAP request all your field name will begin with


tried it, nu luck :-(
+1  A: 

A post at:

Suggested using this syntax for placement of the <Query> node (this example is to retrieve the item with an ID of 1):

  <Method Namespace="" Name="GetListItems">
      <Parameter Name="listName">
      <Parameter Name="query" Type="xml">
                <FieldRef Name="ID"/>
                <Value Type="Integer">1</Value>
  <ElementPath IgnoreNamespaces="True">*</ElementPath>

However this would give me the following error:

Failed to execute web request for the specified URL

With the following in the details:

Element &lt;Query&gt; of parameter query is missing or invalid

From looking at the SOAP message with Microsoft Network Monitor, it looks as though the <Query> node is getting escaped to &lt;Query&gt; etc, which is why it fails.

However, I was able to get this to work using the method described in Martin Kurek's response at:

So, I used this as my query:

   <Method Namespace="" Name="GetListItems">
         <Parameter Name="listName">
         <Parameter Name="query" Type="xml">
   <ElementPath IgnoreNamespaces="True">*</ElementPath>

And then defined a parameter on the dataset named query, with the following value:

<Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name="ID"/><Value Type="Integer">1</Value></Eq></Where></Query>

I was also able to make my query dependent on a report parameter, by setting the query dataset parameter to the following expression:

="<Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name=""ID""/><Value Type=""Integer"">" & 
Parameters!TaskID.Value & 
Saxon Druce

Brilliant, thanks. This solution worked for queryOptions also.

In the Query:

<Parameter Name="queryOptions" Type="xml">

And in the parameters list of the dataset:

Name: queryOptions

Value: <QueryOptions><Folder>Shared Documents/MyFolder</Folder></QueryOptions>

Mark Wylie

Saxon's answer worked perfectly.I love examples that clear, to the point and most importantly - work as advertised!


Hi.., I want to generate a SSRS report for sharepoint list, i have followed the steps but when i previewed it is showing the error An error occured during local report processing. An error has occured during report processing. Query Execution failed for dataset 'Dataset1' ........... blah blah......
