




Hi all,

I'm in the middle of a project where we are querying a database with more than 20 million records, applying several set of filters our query returns about 200 records (after waiting for about 1.30 minutes). After querying the database I try to create objects from this particular datareader but once every 15 or 16 records the asp.net process hangs (it hangs in the debugger) so I think it is a DataReader issue.

This is driving me crazy.

Here's the code I'm using

using (IDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
List<Project> projects = new List<Project>();
        while(reader.Read()) projects.Add(GetMappedRecord(reader)); 

private Project GetMappedRecord(DataRow reader)
      Project project = new Project();

      project.PropertyA = reader["FieldA"] as string;

// and so on and so forth...
      return project;

"A DataReader issue"?

If you wanted to write a piece of code that behaved the way you believe that DataReader is behaving, could you do that? Sometimes it's good to think, "If I were a bug, where would I be hiding", or "where could I not be hiding?"

Chances are there's more to it.

Experiment 1:

using (IDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())

See if that hangs. See when it hangs (what set of filters).

When you get a hang (and a set of filters), go try out the same SQL (with the same parameters) in Management Studio. See if that combination is taking a long time (if you're using SQL Server 2008, look in Activity Monitor to see if your query is in the "slow" list).

Since experiment 1 succeeds, but it's an issue with the indexer, let's try the following:

try {
    using (IDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
        while(reader.Read()) {
            for (int i=0; i<reader.FieldCount; i++) {
                object v = reader.GetValue(i);
} catch (Exception ex) {
    Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); // Or MessageBox.Show or whatever

Let's see if that hangs (and for how long!)

John Saunders
The query takes about 1.30 minutes. The problema arises when I peform reader["property"] every 15 objects.
Does that mean you have isolated the issue to be only reader["property"] , and that sample code like the above always run flawless ?
yes, I debugged step by step and after 15 objects I just hangs up for 10 seconds or so.
"Hangs for 10 seconds", or "hangs forever" are two very different things! Please edit your question to say which of the two you mean.
John Saunders

Maybe it has something to do with the casting? The way I'm used to using DataReaders is more like this:

    var Project = new Project();
    Project.StringProperty = reader.IsDBNull(reader.GetOrdinal("FieldA"))
                           ? ""
                           : reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("FieldA"));

It's possible the implicit cast to the DataRow and then again the cast from reader["FieldA"] to string with the "as" could slow it down.