When and why would it be a good choice to keep the view of two different sets of information on the same page, and just change what's visible depending on different parameters?
For example, an application I'm working on has three levels of users: Admin, Director and Project Manager. We have a Managers.aspx page which follows this flow of control:
If user is admin, load gridview list of directors with several simple CRUD-like properties. This includes a link for each director that, when clicked, will load a new gridview with several properties of all of the Project Managers belonging to the selected director.
If user is director, load straight to the list of Project Managers that belong to this director, in the exact fashion as described in the second half of the "if user is admin" clause".
This is all done on one Managers.aspx page. Why? What advantage does this hold? When else might this type of situation arise? Personally, this seems like a job for two separate pages. One listing the directors, and another listing the Project Managers.
Thanks in advance :)