What is the difference between a class with protected constructors and a class marked as MustInherit? (I'm programming in VB.Net but it probably equally applies to c#).
The reason I ask is because I have an abstract class that I want to convert the constructors to shared/static methods. (To add some constraints).
I can't do this because it's not possible to create an instance in the shared function.
I'm thinking to just remove the MustInherit keyword. Will this make any difference?
I think i've answered my question, If I remove the MustInherit keyword, I can no longer include the MustOverrides, which are very useful.
With that in mind, is there any way around my problem?
To clarify, I can't do the below unless I remove the MustInherit keyword?
Public MustInherit MyBaseClass
Private Sub New()
End Sub
Protected Function CreateInstance(ParmList) As MyBaseClass
If ParmList is Ok Then Return New MyBaseClass()
End Function
End Class