



Hello everyone,

My question is about ViewportWidth property of MultiScaleSubImage. When ViewportWidth is 2, it means the image is zoomed in 2 times, i.e. the image is displayed 200% for both width and height.

My questions are,

  1. when ViewportWidth is 2, it means the display size of image is 4 times of original size, and the original size is defined by the width/height property of image header? Or deep zoom will use some other magic values to decide image's original size? Correct understanding?

  2. Deep zoom supports to let an image zoom in to occupy more size than its original size? Previous I think in deep zoom an image could zoom in until its original size, but not beyond its original size. Seems I am wrong?

  3. when an image is displayed larger than its original size (zoom in), it means more pixels needed to fill (compared with its original size and # of pixels to fill). How did Siverlight fill the additional pixels?

Thanks in advance,
