



In what is hopefully the last problem in the "Print An Individual Range" series of questions, I hereby humbly ask the more knowledgable readers how to copy the PageSetup object from one page to another.

Since you can simply Dest.PageSetup = Source.PageSetup I have had to create function that does the same. An abridge form is below:

Public Sub CopyPageSetup(ByVal Source As Worksheet, ByRef Dest As Worksheet)
    With Source.PageSetup
        Call SetParam(.AlignMarginsHeaderFooter, Dest.PageSetup.AlignMarginsHeaderFooter)
        ' etc
        Call SetParam(.Zoom, Dest.PageSetup.Zoom)
    End With
End Sub

And SetParam is simply:

Public Sub SetParam(ByVal Source As Variant, ByRef Dest As Variant)
    If Dest <> Source Then Dest = Source
End Sub

However this does not copy the page setup across - immeadiately after calling this function I call tmp.PrintPreview (where tmp is a temporary worksheet) and the output is the same as if I had never called the function.

Is this a mirage (does it work for you?) and if it is not a mirage what do I need to do to correct this?


My version of Excel (2003) doesn't support the .AlignMarginsHeaderFooter property, but I got the zoom and BottomMargin properties to copy to the new page just fine.

Public Sub CopyPageSetup(ByVal Source As Worksheet, ByRef Dest As Worksheet)
   With Dest.PageSetup
        .Zoom = Source.PageSetup.Zoom
        .BottomMargin = Source.PageSetup.BottomMargin
   End With
End Sub
It seems to work here, but the problem is that the pages aren't equal. There seems to be something that determines page layout that cannot be copied programmatically.