I'm getting some strange behaviour with the out of browser icons in a Silverlight 3 app. All four sizes are defined in the AppManifest.xml and each icon has the build action set to "Content". However, I'm only seeing the icon display on the very first install prompt (128x128 icon) and not on the desktop, shortcut menu or title bar when the app runs. If I remove the 128x128 icon definition from the xml then the next size down is automatically used so it seems they're all being referenced and packaged correctly.
Here's the app manifest xml:
<Deployment xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/client/2007/deployment" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml">
<ApplicationIdentity ShortName="XXX" Title="XXX">
<Icon Size="16x16">Icons/16.png</Icon>
<Icon Size="32x32">Icons/32.png</Icon>
<Icon Size="48x48">Icons/48.png</Icon>
<Icon Size="128x128">Icons/128.png</Icon>
Any ideas?