



This not happened all the time.
A bug is not a bug if cannot be reproduced !

First, i thought this was a mistake of my young programming skills but same error appears in my two sites, apparently in the same circumstances.

<a style="display:block;" href="link">

Sometimes, while browsing, links with DIVs inside them render strange, duplicates appear on the page with no reason, text distributed between different link, a real mess.

Real screenshots:

Anyone faced this problem ? Is there a solution ?
I don't want javascript links !

+2  A: 

I guess your divs in links cause inconsistency in some browsers (may be your css playing here).

"Semantics", valid markup are some buzz words.

So why would you want DIVs in an <A> tag. You can try someting like this

<a href="#">
       <span class="divstyle">Text 1</span>
       <span class="divstyle">Text 2</span>

then in CSS

.divstyle { 
    display: block; //and other styles etc
+8  A: 

Check your page in a HTML validator. I'm 90% sure that you can't have a <div> element inside inline elements like <a>. Even though you've set the link to display:block, it's still not allowed and the browsers may be spitting their dummy.

What you can do is use spans instead, setting them to block:

<style type="text/css">
  .link, .link span { display: block; }
<a class="link" href="">
You are correct, block elements inside inline elements causes rendering errors as the browser will relocate the invalidly placed div to outside (just after) the anchor tag. This is what's causing the drawing "glitch".
isn't <span style="block" the same as <div ?? They are now block elements, both of them !!
Yes, if you set a `span` to `display:block` then the result is the same as a `div`. However, the spec says that any element that is naturally inline cannot contain naturally block elements. It does seem silly but I it's a compatibility reason - e.g. if stylesheets are turned off then the layout would break, moreso than normal.