+3  A: 

I hear this called motion planning, and pathfinding (as mentioned above)

There are a lot of algorithms, but from your description, a visibility graph might be a good start. You have a graph with points A, B, and polygons around each point in C (you could also do it with circles by calculating tangent lines from each point, I believe). You calculate edges as potential paths between the points. Here's a slide show which explains it better.

Then, on top of the visibilty graph, apply a search algorithm like A* (a heuristic search) to find the most optimal path through the graph.

However, you should consider what you are looking for. The above approach will find a shortest path by sticking extremely close to all corners, but other algorithms might better fit your idea of optimality.

Todd Gardner
The image "Example of valid path" in the "Motion planning" wiki article you posted is very close to the solution I want. Assuming we start at the point to the left, we start turning right towards the goal (the other point), we detect a wall on the right so we stop turning and move forward. The wall is gone so we start turning towards the goal again, and so on. I know this may cause the object to not get there at all, but I want to define a behavior, not a solution, if you know what I mean.

You could consider using potential fields. This offers a way to avoid "hugging the edges" of the obstacles.

But note that, like the A* algorithm, this requires that you quantize the state space, and may therefore be quite computationally intensive depending on how much accuracy you need.

The expensive computations is the very reason I want to avoid the A*. Also note that my world is changing rapidly, making the quantization of it virtually impossible. It was a good read though, sadly I think its hard to apply it to my problem.

I found a quite verbose description of a flocking routine on this page.

Use the separation rule for all obstacles, and alignment only towards the goal position (since we have no flock mates) and (for the same reason) ignoring the cohesion rule.

I wounder if that would yield the desired effect.

+2  A: 

Also on the page you linked to in your answer is a pretty good discussion of steering behaviours in general.

In particular, look at his pages for containment and path following for good examples.

Steering Behaviors for Autonomous Characters

Andy Mikula