




Hello! I am new in ASPNET. I am having a problem returning a default value for a dropdownlist. When a user select another value for example

(Names- Value)Private - 1; Friends - 2; Public - 3; (not binded to database but hard coded)

When a user select a value and saved it to a database. How can I return a new dafault value for a dropdown?

I tried

dropdownlist1.selectedvalue = 2 (code behind)

and still the dropdownlist view Private instead of Friends.

What will be the solution to this scenario? Please help

Kind Regards Jake


This is entirely from my memory, but I believe that ".SelectedValue" actually requires the value, not the index. So you could try dropdownlist1.selectedvalue="Friends - 2". Or you could try dropdownlist1.items.findbyvalue("Friends - 2") in combination with dropdownlist1.selectindex(). Hope some part of that helps!

Charles Y.
Hi Charles!Inside the Page_loadI tried to put your suggestion something like thisdpdAccountPrivacy.items.findvalue(curValPrivacyFlagTypes(oDpdvalues).Rows(0)("VisibilityLevelID") )dpdAccountPrivacy.selectindex() ' it doesn't work....
Sorry that I wasn't more specific Jake. I looked up the relevant pages on MSDN and here is what I think the solution is:`dpdAccountPrivacy.SelectedIndex = dpdAccountPrivacy.Items.FindValue(curValPrivacyFlagTypes(oDpdvalues).Rows(0)("VisibilityLevelID"))`You could also do it this way:`dpdAccountPrivacy.SelectedValue = curValPrivacyFlagTypes(oDpdvalues).Rows(0)("VisibilityLevelID")`
Charles Y.
I just read through the whole thread again, and realized that you indicated your `curValPrivacyFlagTypes(oDpdvalues).Rows(0)("VisibilityLevelID")` item returned an Integer. Herein lies your problem. The Dropdownlist can either assign a selected item based on value/text or index. Value in this case is the value of an object, so the value of a string "Friends" for instance would be the string "Friends" and the index would be 2. You need to do this: `dpdAccountPrivacy.SelectedIndex = curValPrivacyFlagTypes(oDpdvalues).Rows(0)("VisibilityLevelID")`
Charles Y.
Thanks Charles! Problem solved!!!
Glad I could help! Would you mind checking the accepted answer check? I need all the reputation I can get :-)
Charles Y.