I think from what your saying that you'd be best off thinking in terms of having one presenter dedicated coordinating (and supervising) what is needed to a specific presentation (ie, "Gather Customer Information"). Then think of passing the model (or a facade of it if there is sufficient complexity) into that Presenter on construction.
If the user control has a presenter that is itself tightly coupled to the model (a text box doesn't on the surface sound like it would be) then you can pass that model into that presenter, but I would not pass it into the view interface.
I'd need to know a bit more about what you're calling user controls right now to have a chance at helping you architect a presentation of them.
I don't know of one example that would nail the scenario you're starting to flesh out, but I would focus on the different mvp examples on Fowler's site, and look at Jeremy Miller's Build Your Own Cab series. Both will be a bit frustrating as neither will quickly solve your issues, but both will lend insight into facets of this broad topic.
Hope It Helps! Berryl