Possible Duplicate:
Getting the MAC address of the remote host
I'm working on a module which has a client server architecture. And i have to authenticate the connecting peer machine on the basis of Mac address.
At the time of installation i store a encrypted list of valid Mac addresses.
Please note that i have no control on this peer machine and some third party application will be running on this and i can not install any application on this peer machine.
At run time when socket connection happens i need to know the Mac Id for the IP used in connection, so that i can validate it against the previously stored Mac address.
Are there any C/C++ API available which can help me to get mac address from the ip address. This m/c usually be connected in a LAN but can be on different subnets.
My module is multiplatform and runs on windows , Solaris and Linux and the similarly the peer m/c can be running on any os.