What is the most commonly used (simplest) C / C++ compiler used on Windows when using the NetBeans IDE (6.7)?
I want to write (mostly) simple C programs. I have Cygwin installed but for some reason NetBeans doesn't like it. I'm getting a error from it and before I try to figure this out, I thought I should find and (if needed) configure a more popular one.
makeinfo: --fill-column arg must be numeric, not
nbproject/Makefile-Debug.mk'. Try
makeinfo --help' for more information.
I believe I'm getting this error because I don't have make
I've also found this stackoverflow post (C/C++ Compiler for windows) but and that suggests to use MinGW compiler tools.
What is the difference between MinGW and Cygwin? Which is better or preferred? and are there any other options?