You're in C/C++ land. There are little you cannot do.
If this your own code, you shouldn't even try to do that. Like others suggested: pass a output parameter by reference (or by pointer in C) or return the values in a struct.
However, since you asked the question, I assume you are attempting to look into something you only have binary access to. If it is just an one time thing, using a debugger will be easier.
Anyway, to answer your original question, try the following code. You have to compile it in for x86 CPU, with optimization and any stack debug flag turned off.
void f() {
int i = 12345;
int j = 54321;
int main()
int* pa = 0;
int buf[16] = {0};
// get the stack pointer
__asm {
mov dword ptr [pa],ESP
// copy the stack, try not to do anything that "use" the stack
// before here
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i, --pa) {
buf[i] = *pa;
// print out the stack, assuming what you want to see
// are aligned at sizeof(int)
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
std::cout << i << ":" << buf[i] << std::endl;
return 0;