



Is it possible to drag jQuery UI Sortable list items between two lists, one of which is in a jQuery UI Dialogue and one which is not?

I am trying to create a dialogue where users can drag form fields out of a dialogue into a form which is on the page, but I can't drag the items out of the dialogue border.

Thanks in advance


It seems that the dragging and droppings is actually working, but you can't see the item once you go beyond the dialogue. This isn't really ideal. (see redsquare's demo)

Another Edit

The main div that gets created for the dialogue has overflow:hidden on it. If I disable this in Firebug the dragging works properly, so I guess I could somehow override this, but I suspect that will cause me more problems.

+2  A: 

Demo here.

Does this replicate your issue? I am able to drag between the two however you do lose the helper when you drag out of or into the dialogue. I think it may need to adjust the z-indexing when you move out or in of the dialog but it is still functional...just!

I'll try to sort this when I have a bit more time later.

UPDATE: tweaking the z-index helps (well helps dragging from the list to the dialogue - the first time!)...will make it better later! see here

NEW UPDATE New Demo here, I had to make use of the helper to ensure the z-index stayed correct. Works now here

Thanks - I didn't actually realise that the dragging was still working, I had assumed that because I couldn't see the item whilst dragging, it wasn't working at all. But I would like to be able to see the dragged item at all times ideally.
Tom Haigh
thanks for your help, this is perfect
Tom Haigh