Think about it in terms of elementary operations that hardware can more easily implement -- add, subtract, shift, compare. Multiplication even in a trivial setup requires fewer such elementary steps -- plus, it afford advances algorithms that are even faster -- see here for example... but hardware generally doesn't take advantage of those (except maybe extremely specialized hardware). For example, as the wikipedia URL says, "Toom–Cook can do a size-N cubed multiplication for the cost of five size-N multiplications" -- that's pretty fast indeed for very large numbers (Fürer's algorithm, a pretty recent development, can do Θ(n ln(n) 2Θ(ln*(n)))
-- again, see the wikipedia page and links therefrom).
Division's just intrisically slower, as -- again -- per wikipedia; even the best algorithms (some of which ARE implemented in HW, just because they're nowhere as sophisticated and complex as the very best algorithms for multiplication;-) can't hold a candle to the multiplication ones.
Just to quantify the issue with not-so-huge numbers, here are some results with gmpy, an easy-to-use Python wrapper around GMP, which tends to have pretty good implementations of arithmetic though not necessarily the latest-and-greatest wheezes. On a slow (first-generation;-) Macbook Pro:
$ python -mtimeit -s'import gmpy as g; a=g.mpf(198792823083408); b=g.mpf(7230824083); ib=1.0/b' 'a*ib'
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.186 usec per loop
$ python -mtimeit -s'import gmpy as g; a=g.mpf(198792823083408); b=g.mpf(7230824083); ib=1.0/b' 'a/b'
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.276 usec per loop
As you see, even at this small size (number of bits in the numbers), and with libraries optimized by exactly the same speed-obsessed people, multiplication by the reciprocal can save 1/3 of the time that division takes.
It may be only in rare situations that these few nanoseconds are a life-or-death issue, but, when they are, and of course IF you are repeatedly dividing by the same value (to amortize away the 1.0/b
operation!), then this knowledge can be a life-saver.
(Much in the same vein -- x*x
will often save time compared to x**2
[in languages that have a **
"raise to power" operator, like Python and Fortran] -- and Horner's scheme for polynomial computation is VASTLY preferable to repeated raise-to-power operations!-).