



Hi folks,

I'm trying to set a ToolTip onto a control and it's hanging my application.

I programatically add PictureBox's to a FlowLayoutPanel. Works great. I then pick out one of the PictureBoxes to set the ToolTip and .. boom! app hung :(

If I set the ToolTip at the point where i first create each picturebox and add it to the flowlayoutpanel, it doesn't hang and it is displayed/rendered correctly.

here's the code :-

// Toggle the button to green.
var pictureBoxs = flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Find("Image_" + FileId, true);
if (pictureBoxs.Length > 0 &&
    pictureBoxs[0] is PictureBox)
    var pictureBox = pictureBoxs[0] as PictureBox;
    if (pictureBox != null)
        pictureBox.Image = Resources.GreenButton;

        ToolTip toolTip = new ToolTip();

        // Hangs after this line
        toolTip.SetToolTip(pictureBox, "Started Parsing On: " + 

        int i=0; i++; // NEVER GETS CALLED.

Any ideas? is it how I retrieve the reference to the existing PictureBox instance?


As requested, this the following code i've changed..

public partial class Form1 : Form
    ... <snip>various private fields</snip>
    private ToolTip _toolTip; // Added this.


    private void InitialiseStuff()
         PictureBox pictureBox = new PictureBox
                                         Image = Resources.RedButton,
                                         Name = "Image_" + someId,
                                         Width = 35

         _toolTip = new ToolTip();
         _toolTip.SetToolTip(pictureBox, "Haven't yet parsed this file...");


    private void foo_OnStartParsingData(object sender, DateTimeEventArgs e)
       ... <snip>some boring code</snip>

       // Toggle the button to green.
        var pictureBoxes = flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Find("Image_" + 
            someId, true);
        if (pictureBoxes.Length > 0)
            var pictureBox = pictureBoxes[0] as PictureBox;
            if (pictureBox != null)
                pictureBox.Image = Resources.GreenButton;

                // Hangs after it runs the line below.
                    "Started Parsing On: " + e.DateTimeOffset);

You just need one Tooltip as a class variable and the your call:

    string.Format("Started Parsing On: {0}", e.DateTimeOffset));

should just work. I've used this successfully so

So remove the line:

ToolTip toolTip = new ToolTip();

from your loop and put it in the constructor or other initialiser code.


Looking at the new code I can't see anything obviously wrong.

I can only suggest that you split the building of the string from the setting of the tooltip. It could be that e.DateTimeOffset is causing the hang & this would verify that.

I placed the tooltip as a private variable that is only instantiated once. Then removed the line, as noted. Problem still exists :(
Can you post the relevant parts of your edited code in your question.
Done - updated the initial post.