



I have tried using the Reveal property in Fluent but I can't get it to compile with a collection. I want one of my collections in an entity to be protected and not accessible anywhere except in the entity itself. Is this possible? Thanks


Here's the code I'm trying to use,

HasMany<Trip>(x => Reveal.Property<Trip>("_trips"));

I've also tried this code as well,


Everytime my app runs, NHibernate says it can't map to "Property" or it throws an unknown exception.

+2  A: 

Assuming that Organization has a IList<Trip> the


code should work. Check that it's a property and that you have protected getters and setters (privates will not work, since NHibernate will want to proxy the collection for lazyloading).

Bruno Lopes
As you say, I think the key is to make sure it's an IList, not a List. I'm just calling attention to that detail since I just read your answer and then proceeded to implement is as List<T>... maybe this comment will help someone else avoid that mistake.
Seth Petry-Johnson