If the need is to take 5 digits [ including or excluding the decimal point ], you could simply write like below.
scanf( "%5f", &a );
where a is declared as float.
Fo eg:
If you enter 123.45, scanf will consider the first 5 characters i.e., 4 digits and the decimal point & will store 123.4
If entered 123456, the value of a will be 12345 [ ~ 12345.00 ]
With printf, we would be able to control how many characters can be printed after decimal as well.
printf( "%5.2f \n", a );
The value of 123.4 will be printed as 12.30 [ total 5, including the decimal & 2 digits after decimal ]
But this have a limitation, where if the digits in the value are more than 5, it will display the actual value.
eg: The value of 123456.7, will be displayed as 123456.70.
This [ specifying the no. of digits after the decimal, as mentioned for printf ] I heard can be used for scanf as well, I am not sure sure & the compiler I use doesn't support that format. Verify whether your compiler does.
Now, when it comes to taking data from an external interface, are you talking about serialization here, I mean transmission of data on netwrok.
Then, to my knowledge your approach is fine.
We generally tend to read in the form of char only, to make sure the application works for any format of data.