



Is there DIFF plugin availaple for Delphi? I need simple add diff or patch file to my project, replaceing the porject code, that was changed in the patch, but keeping also the old one incase of falling back to old file without the patch.

+1  A: 

Winmerge It's an excellent differencing tool for source files without needing Delphi. Bri

Brian Frost
+1  A: 

Use a version control system, like mercurial.

+3  A: 

If you use a version control system to check the files into, you can use the version control tools to maintain the ability to store differences and merge. SVN along with TortoiseSVN seems to be a very popular (and open source) method of doing just this. There are plenty of examples of integration into the IDE.

The history tab in the IDE works well too, if you are the only one working on the file. If this is the case I would set the history rather high, and use the GExperts project backup wizard to make "checkpoint" backups.

A fantastic windows based diff/merge utility that I strongly recommend is Beyond Compare, which also happens to be written in Delphi. :)


I think the OP is asking something like the diff/patch utils from GNUWin tools. You get a patch file and apply it to the code base.

Fabricio Araujo