




I consider an option to use Eclipse as an cross platform IDE for C++ code on Linux and Windows.

  1. Is it possible to set Eclipse to compile code with Visual Studio C++ (don't think it's relevant but Eclipse project files will be created by cmake).
  2. Is it possible to debug from Eclipse application compiled by VS C++ compiler?
  3. Is it possible to debug on Linux from Eclipse application compiled by g++?
  4. What C++ IDE you prefer for Linux - Eclipse, Kdevelop or there're other alternatives?

Thanks Dima


I do some C++ with Qt cross-platform development in Linux, Windows and Mac and I found Eclipse to be too heavy an environment to work with. As an IDE I preferred Qt Creator.

Marcelo Santos
+1  A: 
  1. No as far as I know. The alternative would be wascana project. Now that the new version of MinGw has been released and it uses gcc.4.4 I think that wascana will be able to compete against Visual Studio, but we still have to wait to the next release of wascana.
  2. No as far as I know. Again wascana could be an alternative.
  3. Sure, try cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles", build your project and create a debug configuration with eclipse. I've done it before with no problems at all.
  4. I move from Emacs to Eclipse. I remember I evaluated Kdevelop but I discarded it for reasons unconnected to Kdevelop's quality itself. So I cannot give you my opinion. Another C++ crossplatform IDE is Code::Blocks, but I have never used it.