
Set the variable to itself in the false case:

$variablename=($myarray["foo"]=="bar")? $myarray["foo"] : $variablename
Why the downvot? this is perfectly valid
dunno, I got one too for the same code.
Its not valid, there's a strong chance that will generate a notice.
Yes it's valid, it just has a precondition. It makes no sense to conditionally set a variable if it may not have been set. If it hasn't been set, and you use the "if" method, you will just cause problems down the line - which is *worse* than a notice at the point of error.
+6  A: 

IMO, the best way to make your code sample shorter is:

if($myarray["foo"] == $bar)
    $variablename = $myarray["foo"];

FYI, the name of the operator you're asking about isn't "the ternary operator", it's the conditional operator.

Since you ask, a way you could actually use the conditional operator to do what you're asking is:

$myarray['foo'] == $bar ? $variablename = $myarray['foo'] : null;

but that's somewhat horrifically ugly and very unmaintainable.

I think it's safer to always use braces.
Tom Haigh
Just wanted to point out, it is actually called the ternary operatorhttp://ca.php.net/ternary#language.operators.comparison.ternary
Pfaugh. Shows what Zend knows.
@Evert: not exactly. In the context of PHP, the terms `conditional operator` and `ternary operator` are completely interchangeable, because the conditional is the *only* ternary operator. So as a label on a manual page, it works. It doesn't mean, however, that it's "academically" correct. If PHP had a 2nd ternary operator we wouldn't be having this discussion.
Peter Bailey
+1  A: 

Your right, ternary is not the way to go. It's there to handle the if and else part of the statement.

Just stick with the regular if statement.

if($myarray["foo"]==$bar) $variablename=$myarray["foo"];
Chris Lively

You can put the original expression in the else part of the ternary operation, but if you want to guarantee single evaluation of the expression then you'll have to use a temporary variable and an if statement.

+4  A: 

It doesn't get much shorter than:

if($condition) $var = $value;

Ternary isn't the way, even though it can be written so that ternary works.

The reason is this: you're trying to use it in a way it's not intended, which will make your code awkward for other developers to read.

+1  A: 

You could do this, but I wouldn't as it is pretty unreadable and stupid:

$myarray["foo"] == $bar ? $variablename = $myarray["foo"] : 0;


$myarray["foo"] == $bar && $variablename = $myarray["foo"];
Tom Haigh
+1  A: 

The "problem" you have isn't really a problem. Your example code is very clear and maintainable. I would really say leave it like it is.

You -could- remove the braces, but that will have an impact on maintainability.

Your other alternative is to create a set_if_true(mixed array, string key, boolean conditional) wrapper function. It hides what is really happening but depending on your specific implementation it is a good option. (For instance a configuration type object, or caching backend)
