



I am using Linq to SQL in my project. I have a part of the code that calls

DataContext db = new DataContext()

This works as expected when running the website however when calling this from within my unit test I get an error object not set to an instance...

Do you know why this is?

I know I should Mock the data context for testing but there is only two tests that use this that I need completed for this stage of the project. Then I will go in and Mock.

I just don't see why it doesn't work.


In my controller I have the line

                CandidateRegistrationViewModel viewModel = new CandidateRegistrationViewModel("PersonalDetails", candidate);

The Model has a member db:

 public class CandidateRegistrationViewModel
    private EmployDirectDataContext db = new EmployDirectDataContext();

This class then uses db to populate select boxes.

It all works when I run but in the unit test I get an error upon creating the datacontext.

    public void PersonalDetailsStepPostShouldRedisplayIfDOBSuppliedInWrongFormat()
        // Arange
        var controller = CreateCandidateController("Dean");

        FormCollection formCollection = FakeCandidateData.CreatePersonalDetailsStepFormCollection();
        formCollection["DOB"] = "24/2009/87"; //DOB in wrong format - should be dd/mm/yyyy

        controller.ValueProvider = formCollection.ToValueProvider();

        // Act
        ViewResult result = (ViewResult)controller.PersonalDetailsStep(formCollection);

        // Assert
        Assert.AreEqual("", result.ViewName); //ViewName is returned as empty if same as Action name

Both of the projects have the same connection string in the app/web.config

<add name="EmployDirectDBConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\EmployedDirectDB.MDF;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"
        providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

Testing the Data Context falls more into the purview of an Integration Test. The mocks are more appropriate for your repository interface. Your repository will hold a valid reference to the DataContext object during your integration testing.

Robert Harvey
I have added more detail on my original post. I am not testing the datacontext but the test requires the datacontext runs just now until I ad mocking. But I want to add mocking after this milestone
dean nolan
Hm, well I don't see why it wouldn't work. It almost sounds like some kind of subtle problem with the testing engine. I'll give it some thought, but if it were me I would move this test into the next milestone where you will have the mocks.
Robert Harvey

Your unit test assembly probably does not have the right connectionstring compiled into the settings. That's why I always use:

var db = new MyDataContext(SomeConfigClassIMade.ConnString) {...}

so I can more tightly control how the connection string works,.

Dave Markle
I tried passing the connection string in here but still get the error
dean nolan

I an not sure why you would want to test the DataContext itself... (I may be wrong and I am sure someone will tell me if I am) but would you just test the DataAccess or Repository class that uses the DataContext...

Other than that it probably just doesn't have the correct connection string...

I have added code and so you can see I am not tewsting the data context. I have tried supplying the same connection string as my main project but still crashes
dean nolan