



Hey, I have a web page with a table that displays data from a database. There is a main being displayed and an additional that is hidden and only displays with jquery when the user clicks a button that is on the first main .

The problem that I am getting is when I use the datatables plugin, it finds all the rows and counts them, so I have 11 rows of data and 11 additional hidden rows under each main row. It then displays at the button of the table "Showing 1 to 10 of 22 entries". I don't want Datatables to count or see the hidden rows. I there a way to fix this problem. All 's have ID's and classes, so I thought there might be a simple way of sorting this data properly.

Also, when I do click the main to display the hidden it does not slide down under the main I clicked, instead It goes above all the main 's. Anyone know why?

Thank you for any help.

Datatables Site []>