I'm looking for a basic programmatic animation framework similar to processing except in python. That is, something that allows pixel manipulation, has basic drawing/color primitives, and is geared towards animation. Is pygame pretty much the best bet or are there other options?
You could get pretty close to processing with vpython:
The primitives are very easy to work with, and it is adept at animation.
I am not sure what kind of pixel manipulation you are looking for, but there may be something for that as well.
"Similar to processing except in python" screams "NodeBox" to me. NodeBox is OSX-only, and i don't know if it allows pixel-level manipulation, but much of its command set was derived directly from processing. You can find it at the NodeBox site.
There's quite recent C++ library, SFML, which is a good alternative to SDL. Thus its Python bindings should be a good alternative to Pygame.
I prefer pyglet to pygame (but I'm not sure exactly what your needs will be):
If you need a 3d engine:
Someone's already mentioned Shoebot, which is probably the closest in spirit to Processing:
This blog entry shows how to do processing implementations using Jython.
Well, this is as close as it gets: http://code.google.com/p/pyprocessing/