




Okay, so I have a legacy Codebase and an old Visual C++ 6.0 Standard Installation CD. I want to install that on my Windows XP SP3 System.

Is there anything I would need to avoid or to download besides SP6?

Are executables created with VC6 compatible on Vista and Windows 7? (I know that there is no 64-Bit compiler, and that's fine)

(I know that vc6 is old, unsupported and somewhat crappy, but my C++ skills are barely good enough to compile, make 2 or 3 small changes and re-compile, but not good enough to make sure it compiles in VS2008)

+1  A: 

AFAIK it should run fine provided you install VC++ runtime. I think you should install VC6 runtime to be sure, not the recent versions.

Tamás Szelei
+3  A: 

It's fine. Install SP6 and that should be it. You might need other dependencies; the platform SDK, if you need it, will require hunting for an older version than what's currently available.

Looks good. It's able to compile my code and the application runs as expected so far.
Michael Stum
+1  A: 

For latecomers who don't know where to get this "SP6" we're talking about, it's at:

David Cary